What makes Destiny so exciting!


September — 9th is our day with Destiny, I can’t hide how much am excited for this game, I am very VERY excited this game looks awesome and what Bungie is doing is awesome, lets rewind a little and look at what Bungie is making a “Shared world Massive multiplayer Shooter which you will have the ability to craft your character from one of the 3 classes and one of the 3 races and you will have a massive solar system to explore to power yourself up” so this is what Bungie is doing but what are they really making? well it is a blend I think this is what most Successful games has been doing recently they blend genres and they bring elements from other titles and mix it up here, the following is what I think is being adapted into Destiny :


HALO : the shooting mechanism looks like Halo, and that is a great thing Halo has always nailed the Shooter game, you can be on difference with the story, the universe and the art style but the shooting in Halo is seriously awesome it feels like you are fighting with a bunch of people not just shooting them, Destiny is adapting the same style since it is from the same developer.


Borderlands : the Diablo shooter is a massive series, selling over 14 million copies and spawning a Pre-Sequel (coming this year) a Vita version of Borderlands 2 (coming May 13th) and a Telltale episodic series (coming later this year which am very exited about) Borderlands is basically an RPG-Shooter puts you on Pandora and have you look for better weapons and gear and level up and kill everything in your way in the process, Destiny is obviously borrowing from Borderland when it comes to gearing up and traveling and playing with friends which is all good as far as am concerned.


MMORPGs : World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, The Elder Scrolls Online are all very popular games, people who play MMOs they end up playing it for years and years, I have been play Guild Wars 2 since it’s launch and I still don’t think I have done much in it because it is MASSIVE you have personal story, world quest, group quest, group events, world events, dungeons and each of them has more than 3 routs and PvP and Crafting……etc! it is a never ending game and you will always have things to do, Destiny borrows heavily from MMOs the latest preview shows the game’s Raiding system which you and 2 of your buddies choose missions and do them to earn XP and loot and the game will have PvP and couple of other mods that they are not showing just yet.


Monster Hunter : Huge in japan and not so huge anywhere else the Monster Hunter series is Capcom’s ace in the hole, they make most of their big buck from this series and there are SO MANY clones of this game already (Toukiden, Freedom Wars, God Eater…etc) the game’s four player co-op hunt game is fun to play and looks like Destiny is borrowing this element to the game which they should, I remember when I was playing Fallout 3 I wished the game had such mode and now Destiny is coming up with something like that.

this is what I think of Destiny so far, remember the game did not show anything yet most of it is still under tight doors supposedly they will show more at E3 this year, and the beta is during the summer so we will for sure find out more there, and have I mentioned that in the game you will have a robotic companion named ghost and he is voiced by this guy? yep am sold here is my $60!

Best of HBO (On Air/Finished)


The Home — Box Office channel is one of the top quality american channels ever, arguably it was HBO that made TV what TV is today with bold programs and amazing production value HBO is the place to go for your fix, the following is a list of what I think are the best of the best on HBO (Aka The Home Builders Organization)

Currently on Air :


Larry Fucking David, being one of the most successful comedians of all time and after he was done with Seinfeld he moved to HBO with Curb, a 30 Minute sitcom with 10 episodes each season larry puts himself and along with him the viewer in situations that will make you want to hate him yet you can’t ever stop loving his show, Currently the show has been off air since 2011 since Larry hasn’t decided to make another season, but HBO is confident that he will be back


The Political comedy starts another beloved Seinfeld Alum with this highly successful and critically acclaimed show, if you like your comedies smart Veep is the show to watch


A Rather short show created by the awesome Mr. Aaron Sorkin you know him from his Oscar winning movie The Social Network, or his other very popular show The West Wing, the Newsroom is coming to an end this year with it’s 3rd and final season


if you like Crime drama -and lets face it we all do- you will love Boardwalk empire, this Martin Scorsese produced show was created by Terence Winter one of the men behind another amazing HBO show The Sopranos will put you on the edge of your seat with it’s very acclaimed 4 seasons and the 5th and last that is coming this year


this anthology series is going to mess you up! I rewatched the first season 3 times just to enjoy every second of it to the max and this is by far the best I have ever seen to be put on TV, you can read my review of the first season here.


 I don’t want to get much into this, Currently A Song of Ice and Fire is my most invested in story I read the books and watch the show and follow everything that is happening around this universe with a very keen eye, the HBO show is great and if you want to get into this world this is a good place to start



Those who watched it swear by it and those who haven’t are always planning to, this show is without a doubt one of the best cop dramas that was ever made, the show takes place in the city of Baltimore following a group of cops and criminals alike The Wire explores a slice of life that starts just like it finishes


a Show that deals primarily with…DEATH, a family that runs a Funeral home and the way they deal with a big death in the family across 5 seasons the show takes a slice of life of the Fischer family and shows you some of the darkest sides of the real life while keeping it as REAL as a TV production can, this show had a huge effect on me to a point it made me love the Art of Photography and to this day I consider this one of my great passions.


By most Standards The Sopranos is the Citizen Cane of TV shows, this is the show that started it all and everything else followed it’s foot steps and people this means a lot, if you haven’t seen The Sopranos you need to change that right now and if you have then….rewatch it maybe 😀

so there you have it, the best of HBO maybe later I will write more about other TV shows that I think people should watch, and before I forget the reason why this list does not include True Blood and Girls is because I don’t like them anymore, True Blood Sucked after season 4 and Girls always sucked so go figure!

Wait a little for : Super Smash Bros.


Fighting — Games has always been fun and enjoyable for couch gaming, having bunch of friends over and beating each other senseless is very fun and Smash Bros. always hit the fun factor right, being the Ultimate crossover game Smash Bros. series contains fighters from various Nintendo and other companies games alike, legendary characters such as Solid Snake, Sonic, Megaman has appeared along side uber popular Nintendo characters such as Mario, Link, Peach and Samus and much much more, being developed by Nintendo’s main man Iwata in the 90s with the help of his friend Sakurai they made the original Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64 back in 1999 Smash Bros. was a pleasant surprise for the Nintendo fans, after that they topped it with Super Smash Bros. melee in 2002 and Super Smash Bros. Brawl in 2008 the series has always been the subject of much critical acclaim and millions of units sold with players putting in thousands of hours of ultimate fun


Revealed at E3 last year was the next installment of Super Smash Bros. which currently doesn’t have a sub-name, the game is coming to both Nintendo 3DS (Summer) and Nintendo WiiU (Winter) of 2014, with graphical differences and different modes and multiplayer options coming to both versions, I personally will play Smash Bros. for 3DS when it comes out this summer on the handheld

Wait a little for : Tales from the Borderlands


Episodic — Gaming goes a while back but the new Telltale style of telling a story and choices carrying on is almost feels like the next transition of TV Series which am very fond of, I really liked The Walking Dead’s first season and the 2nd season seems even better, then telltale made The Wolf Among Us and that was really good too and at Spike Game awards they announced Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones series from Telltale so it is safe to assume the company is going to have 4 major series for the next few years with Borderlands coming first and being followed by Game of Thrones, lets not talk about Game of Thrones since we haven’t seen or heard anything from it except the fact it wont be a prequel which I wished it would be (Bummer!) lets talk about the tale of deceive and conning of Borderlands


set on the planet we all love Pandora telltale’s borderlands will have you choose between Fiona a con-artist and Rhys a Hyperion worker and the story is told from each one’s perspective or something like that! now let me elaborate here, our “Heroes” are not telling the truth about this story and you will never know how the story really happened each is telling it according to her/his best interest and that is the best you got, to me this is a very interesting way to tell a story that it rarely happened before (True Detective’s Episode 5 is kinda like that if you know what I mean, if you don’t change that watch True Detective) and I am very excited to check out what is up with these two, know that the story might be connected to Borderlands 2 since it take place after that, Tales from the Borderlands is set to come later this year to every device out there as it has been the Telltale way.

Infamous Second Son (Review)


Open — World Action Adventure games is without a doubt my 2nd most favorite genre of games after RPGs, I always loved discovering a fictional land mark and having the ability to do whatever I want in them and I had my eyes on infamous series since first I saw it, having said that I wasn’t a big fan of the fact that you only had electricity in the first game but still the game was intriguing to me but Unfortunately I never got the chance to play either of them and I used couple of Youtube videos to catch up to the story of Cole and see what was up with this series, I must admit I did like the story of the first 2 games a lot and I was pretty excited to tackle Second Son and see how this game is….and to my surprise it wasn’t what I thought it was!



First of all this game sounds and looks amazing, the graphics, shadows, lights and effects are so good that I felt like I was in Seattle, the city feels alive and the people you see the way they walk and talk to each other it just feels real and amazing, the Powers effects are even better especially Smoke it is amazing how natural it feels, more good stuff the characters and the story to a point it was good Delsin and Reggie were funny at sometimes and the other characters were a good addition to the good story that Second Son offered, but that is where am going to stop parsing this game now and get to the part of saying bad stuff about it.


first of all THE CITY while I said all that good stuff about it the city feels like it is so unnecessary and the open world game around should have been way bigger while all the missions and main quests are fun and well crafted yet they are so liner and they don’t feel like an open world at all, the powers are great but they never were fully realized and used in a good capacity and leveling them up felt so unnecessary just power up Smoke drain and Missile drain and you are good to go, and this game is a shooter at least in the beginning of the game all I did is hide behind covers and shoot at the DUP and hide behind covers recharge and shoot again, the later part of the game when I powered up the missiles all I did is shoot couple of them and done everyone is dead, and now to the weakest part THE STORY it is so weird! I still don’t know are you playing the good guy or the bad guy even though I went with all good Karma I was still a douche! was Augustine bad? she did kill people but she wanted to protect the conduits….aghhh! it is just weird! and the game only had 6 characters and that was it! the drug part was short as hell, the angel part was short as hell the bosses were overly easy and the final battle was….




Terrible! and you know why? because I spent the better part of the game leveling up my Smoke and Video yet to be forced to fight the final boss with Concrete and have to power it up during the battle and ultimately end up in a short cut way!


End of Spoilers


in the end Second Son could have been something really Special if Sucker Punch had some more time with it and too bad they didn’t, and now we are left with what we call a Good game and from what it looked like an end for the Sucker Punch’s Infamous Saga

A Weekend with friends (Warframe and Diablo 3)



Co-Op — has always been interesting to me, I don’t like PvP and competitive battling I simply don’t, what I like is coordinating with couple of friends and taking on challenges and so far none of my douche friends has ever played something I found I wanted to play until this weekend, on Thursday night me and a buddy of mine tackled down Warframe, a free to play 3rd Person action game which is available on both PC and PS4, While I played the PC version for a few weeks last summer I didn’t get hooked because I wasn’t playing with actual friends, and now am playing with a friend of mine and it is a blast, we coordinate and accomplished missions and also we ranked up, I think in order to enjoy this game to the max I would need to spend $20-$50 on weapons and suits but right now am not doing that.


Diablo 3 on the other hand was a different experience in a good way too, my friend who never played RPGs before wanted to play Diablo 3 so we downloaded the Starter edition and played the campaign in a cafe, I went with Demon hunter and he was the Barbarian, the difference now was when I played it alone it was a boring to easy game with a little reason to play it around but with a friend it was such a blast and the enemies were more and stronger even though we did not strategically plan our team and we both chose DPS we still enjoyed the hell out of it and played 4 hours with no stop, and am looking forward to buy the full game soon and get back on the game. 

In summation, I think Destiny will be an awesome game since I will be playing it with a bunch of friends and we are hyping up for it already 😀

What Marvel should do next?



Marvel — is BIG and by BIG I don’t mean “BIG” I mean “Humongous” in a short time of 6 years they have released 9 Movies to gross over 6 billion dollars and start a legacy that will expand for the next 10 years, they recently became the biggest film franchise in history and that is not all their movies are plain and simply good, but they need to make a few changes to keep audience interested like the following

Give Nick Fury the F-word
Seriously Sam Jackson is awesome as Nick Fury but sometimes I feel like he is about to say “God damn motherfucker” yet he end up saying “what!?” that is not cool!!!

Cross overs are cool yes sometimes…
it just make the movies feel unrealistic I mean the whole worlds goes down in Thor the Dark World but Iron Man is nowhere to be found, he should pop up at one point and start blasting things, and further more they don’t give a realistic explanation why he is no where to be found, and am just giving that as an example they should find a way to fill these holes.

More Black Widow

ImageThat ASS!! and she should have her own movie in Phase 3, she does feel like kind of a glue who holds these movies together and I feel like her movie is not going to be such a smash hit because she does have a band of haters (Women!!) still I think it be awesome to add more depth to her.

and Move to games!
as a self proclaimed DC comics fan (and by that I mean I love Batman) I feel like Marvel has beaten DC when it comes to movies at least for now but DC is far better in games (again Batman) so I would love for them to get more into games and make some decent games around these characters, Hawkeye game please!

the first 24 hours with PlayStation 4



PS4 — without a doubt at least currently is the leading console in the market (you never know WiiU might pick it up) so I picked it up with Infamous Second Son and after 24 hours here are my thoughts on the console :

Likes :

– DualShock 4
the first controller I have ever touched was the Atari 2600 and that was in 1992, until recently XBOX 360 controller was pretty good in my opinion and it was a favorite of my last gen but Sony did make a good effort improving the new controller, the touche pad and the new grips is really good and I personally really love the shoulder buttons they feel like they are made to shoot stuff with it 😀

– Remote Play
I just want to play Elder Scrolls Online on my PS Vita under a blanket, and it does feel like am going to be able to!

– Graphics, Sounds and all that crap
Improved…what else do you want me to say?

– PlayStation Plus
1 free game per month? here is my $50 per year!


– Dualshock 4’s light
For Jesus’s sake give me an option to turn this thing off!

that is the only thing I have a problem with, I am expecting couple of good years with this machine and I do really like it, having said that I will also pick up other consoles as well (Preferably the next Nintendo Console) and maybe a gaming PC down the line too

What is Next for Nintendo?



Big N — like it or not is a player in the gaming industry, no matter how many times you try to act like they don’t exist they will proof over and over that they do and you can’t do much about it, they found Success with NES and SNES and lost a little with N64 and GameCube, came back on top with Wii and now looks like the Big N is living it’s worse days, WiiU is a huge bust and they are losing money for the 2nd year in row, Iwata is in trouble and he might get fired this summer, the 3DS is doing “Okey” but definitely not as good as DS did and it had the best year in 2013 so no one really knows if the console will pickup any more steam in the coming months, so what now? well reports suggest a new console in works, Bandai Namco recently put out a posting for over 80+ more people to join the Super Smash Bros. team and not for the 2014 Smash Bros. but rather for the 2015 Smash Bros. game, with a code name Smash Bros 6, now we know so far there has been 3 Smash Bros. games (1, Melee, Brawl) and 2 more in works that will make them 5, so what is this new Smash Bros. 6? it is a standard Nintendo policy that they will not make more than one Smash Bros. game per console, so if the new Smash Bros. 6 does exist is it going to be for the next Nintendo Console? I really hope so, persoanally I wish they make a PS4/XBOXONE Contender and bring the Nintendo franchises back to the hardcore gamers who has been missing them since the Wii launched, most 3rd parties love to work with Nintendo especially the Japanese and if they can support an HD System they could go very well with PS4 side by side, am not saying they will win the war all am saying there doesn’t need to be a war, they could just exist and to each his own, but I really do hope the mistake they did with GameCube doesn’t happen again, being 3 years behind Sony is what killed GameCube, bring the console to the audience now the core Nintendo Audience will buy it for sure and with 3rd Party software and a little price reduction over PS4 and XBOX ONE they can bring back the Nintendo that we Love and Miss….Dearly! 



Persona 4 Golden Review



One — of the main reasons that I bought a PS Vita for was to play Persona 4, as a very active RPG player and someone who really loved Persona 2 and Persona 3 on the PSP it is natural that I have sink over a 100 hours in the excellent and some might even say best Persona title yet – and boy were they right! 

Persona 4 starts as any persona game, with you arriving to a new town and stumbling on some very weird events, in P3 those events were the Dark Hour and in P4 they are Midnight Channel and weird fog and murders, you meet a very interesting cast of characters and then you decided how to befriend them and how these actions will effect the way you fight in the game and even how the game will end for you, everything you do in this game is connected and related to the way you spend your days with these characters, I have decided from the beginning to make sure I unlock the best ending of the game which is Golden Ending and therefor my play through was a lengthy one and I also maxed all of the S.Links and so on and if you do so as well you will find Persona 4’s story a remarkable physiological journey that dares to scratch some of the most debated philosophical topics to date and it is amazing when a game tries something like this.



accompanying this beautiful tale is a deep and rewarding jRPG style battle system which puts you in a party of four and you get to chose how do you approach these battles, one thing Persona games is well known for is the Tactics Option which lets you chose how your party behave in battles and I took full advantage of that I did not want to fully control my party during every battle so I had one heal and support the party while three others went full offense and it was a very successful basic battle style, for bosses I took full command and I took a good strategic approach to them, by the end all my main party members (Chie, Yukiko, Kanji) were level 99 without grinding at all which was very pleasant, and I have discovered 87% of the personas without focusing on that aspect of the game at all, and the reason why am mumbling about this is because most people are annoyed by jRPG’s battle style and the hours of grind that it takes but here I was very comfortable with it all.



in the end I guess Persona 4 has everything good going for it Music, design, gameplay, story and Chie…I really like Chie! therefor I give Persona 4 a remarkable score and a must play for everyone who wants to enjoy a great jRPG.