F the Celestial Dragons: One Piece Chapter 1019

One Piece chapter 1019 titled Heliceratops is out, and it was yet another action packed chapter focusing on Franky, and we also got a few major updates, here are the highlights:

  • Luffy is waking up and screaming for Meat, we also got a glimpse of what is like to be a member of the Heart Pirates on the Polar Tang, and it seems like they depend on Law for everything they are really an incompetent bunch.
  • Zoro‘s treatment is underway as well, I expect him to return to the fight in the few upcoming chapters (if we didn’t get a flashback)
  • Franky is basically done with his fight and took out one of the Flying Six in a spectacular Franky Fashion, the fight wasn’t that interesting, but it was very funny, and Radical Beam remains one of the most powerful attacks in the series
  • Yamato vs. Kaido’s fight seems to be progressing with Yamato finally showing her Devil Fruit Transformation which is still not confirmed what it is, there is a speculation that it is a Kirin, or it could be a Kitsune, but what is interesting is that Kaido went through a great deal of trouble to find this fruit and it seems like he starved her to force her into eating it, it seems like Yamato always hated Kaido and she always opposed him so I doubt she would have eaten the fruit on her own, I think this will continue being one of the main revealing story for the rest of the year and how Yamato’s fruit will function as a memeber of the Straw Hat Crew.

Chapter 1020 is scheduled to for July 30th, 2021.

Quick Anime Reviews (86, Dr.Stone Stone Wars, SK∞)

86 – is a Military Mecha anime about a distopean future where humanity is fighting an unstoble machine army, the anime deals with the horrors of war and race issues among humans and how it always plagued socity, for an 11 episode anime it has a slow start and even slower middle but picks up steam around episode 8 and it has a very sad impactful ending, the anime borrows too many elemetens from Attack on Titan for my liking but it was generally good and the setting is interesting and well build. (8/10)

Dr. Stone Stone Wars – is the 2nd season following the acclaimed first season which is adapted from the popular manga series and the event of the 2nd season are fun and fast and well animated, it gives much more depth to the relationship between Senku and Tsukasa and fleshes out the characters and the world building, if you liked the first season then it is a no brainer but if you didn’t then I don’t think this season will change your mind even though it is a lot more action packed and builds up a very nice premis for the upcoming 3rd season. (9/10)

Skate The Infinity – is an original anime by Studio Bones and I was very excited about it when it was revealed, I was a big fan of Air Gear back in the mid 2000s and I don’t understand why Skating is not more present in Anime and SK8 did a good job with it, it is about the love for Skate and the passion for following what is fun and Studio Bones’ slick animation is right there smacking you in the face, it is just too bad the story is not that good and it is too basic. (7/10)

F the Celestial Dragons: One Piece Chapter 1018

Chapter 1018 is out titled Whos-Who vs. Jinbe and it was an action packed chapter with a few important development and am action packed fight at the end, and here are the highlights of the chapter:

  • CP0: We’ve been asking for a while “what is CP0 doing in Wano?” and which side of the fight they are on and now it is clear they are here to assiassinate or confirm the death of Whos-Who who is a rouge goverment agent, personally I think X-Drake is in Wano for the same reason and Whos-Who might know some juciy World Goverment secrets, and who knwos maybe he has already told Kaido these secrets and it is not just the Gomu Gomu no Mi related things.
  • Tama: it looks like Kaido’s forces are dropping in numbers as we expected which is why Tama is at Onigashima in the first place, the current tally is 16,000 vs. 9,000
  • Nami: it looks like Nami and Zeus’s relationship is improving and she is calling him partner now, this is good for Nami and I am looking forward to a more badass Nami on the strawhat crew from here onward
  • Jinbe: what can I say about the fight with Whos-Who other than Jinbe beat the living crap out of him, I don’t think this fight will go further than this chapter or maybe a few panels next chapter because Jinbe crushed him already, I think we will have some more clarifications from Whos-Who in regarding of the Gomu Gomu no Mi but that is probably it, we also now have the confirmation that Shanks did steal the fruit which was a bit of “maybe he stole it from someone who stole it from Whos-Who” but no it was Shanks.

    Personal take: I think this is Confirmation that shanks targetted the Gomu Gomu no Mi is still giving me the same idea that I had last week, I still think that the world goverment mistook Gomu Gomu no Mi for the Yami Yami no Mi and I think the goverment realized that the fruit Whos-Who lost was Gomu Gomu and not Yami Yami and they didn’t care anymore that is why the CP0 said whatever Whos-Who has is dated and won’t cause any issues to the goverment or at least that is what they are speculating.

    One Piece Chapter 1019 is coming out on July 16th 2021.